Firearm Injury Prevention-Related Courses

Injury Prevention For Children and Teens-Mooc

In this self-paced course, you will learn best practices for injury prevention among children and teens including firearm safety and suicide prevention. Lectures, interviews, and demonstrations are given from a multidisciplinary panel of nationally recognized injury prevention experts. In the firearm segment of the course, you will be introduced to information about the burden, cost, and trends of child firearm injuries. This course will also address risk and protective factors for firearm injuries.

Preventing Gun Violence in America Teach-Out

This interdisciplinary and timely discussion about gun violence and safety in the United States brings up the urgent, complex, and multifaceted problem that is Gun violence prevention. A group of experts from the Firearm-safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium in the fields of public health, criminal justice, psychology, and emergency medicine discuss the state of gun violence and injury prevention in the U.S., and how data may inform possible solutions to these issues.

Approach to Firearm Safety Counseling for Pediatric Clinicians

This video addresses what pediatric clinicians need to know about how to counsel patients and families in a clinical setting around firearm safety to ensure the safety of children in your community. The course will address how to:

  • Conduct firearm screening to identify firearms in the home
  • Identify children and adolescents at risk of firearm injury
  • Deliver appropriate counseling techniques around firearm injury prevention for families
  • Recognize barriers and challenges when providing firearm injury prevention counseling
  • Mitigate challenging interactions around firearm injury prevention counseling
  • Understand appropriate referral resources per patients’ risk factors

What Clinicians Should Know about Safe Storage

This video reviews basic knowledge of gun storage safety and gun safety practices, including

  • Types of firearms
  • Basic ammunition
  • Firearm actions
  • Parts of a firearm
  • Types of gun locks
  • Ammunition storage options