Dozens of school shootings take place in the country each year—not only taking a tragic toll on those directly harmed, but also affecting students at schools everywhere that are preparing for these intensely traumatizing events.

Expert panelists presented the latest data on US school shootings, including community risk factors, youth access to firearms, and the recent uptick in school-shooting incidences.

Experts say there is no one solution to preventing school violence. According to evidence-based search, the problem does not start solely with an individual, but their social interactions within the school and in the community.

“And I always say, you know what would be really helpful is to have this conversation before the next shooting and doing a really in depth story so that people can learn what to do in their schools, what parents can expect or ask of their educators and ask of their school districts, and ask of their policy makers in their state,” said Marc Zimmerman, with the University of Michigan.

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