Scientists & Scholars
The Institute works closely with faculty across many disciplines and departments throughout the University of Michigan. These research experts generate and share new findings on firearm injury prevention that can impact the field. The Institute is excited to share and help translate and disseminate the research findings of this productive community. Search the directory to discover potential opportunities for research partnerships and collaboration. You may also search by firearm injury focus area and find all in our research community who specialize in that area.
Please send all media inquiries to
Co-Director, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health
Associate Professor, Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health
Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
Director, Aggression Research Program, Institute for Social Research
Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Literature, Science and the Arts