Jason Goldstick, PhD

Research Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine

Co-Director of Data and Methods Core, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention; Director, Statistics and Methods Section, Research Core, University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center

Injury Prevention Center Profile
Opioid Solutions Profile
Michigan Medicine Emergency Medicine Profile

Community Violence

Jason Goldstick headshot

Dr. Goldstick is the co-director of the Data & Methods Core at the Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention, and a Research Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan. Dr. Goldstick is a statistician by training and his past research spans several areas of social epidemiology including infectious disease, childhood problem behaviors, substance use, and violence. He has extensive expertise in statistical analyses, including predictive modeling and the analysis of longitudinal and spatially dependent data, especially as it applies to substance use, injury/violence data, and public health research. He has been the PI of a NIDA grant to study age-dependence in the predictors of substance use and its comorbidities, and an NIAAA grant-funded to study predictors of alcohol use transitions and how those transitions coalesce with transitions in other health behaviors. His current and ongoing work focuses on violence and substance use epidemiology, firearm surveillance, and estimating behavioral intervention treatment effects. Specifically, Dr. Goldstick is currently PI of an R01 funded to use machine learning methods to optimally predict future violence involvement, and directs a statewide near real-time surveillance system for firearm incidents in Michigan, and is the lead statistician on over a half dozen current federally funded studies.