Data & Reporting
The Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention maintains the largest database of publicly available data on firearm variables in the United States. This database was originally established by the National Institutes of Health-funded Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Consortium which was led by the University of Michigan.
The Institute is working to expand this database to include data on the entire lifespan over the next year. Below you can access and search the database, get information on data-related citations, and learn how you can submit your data sets into the database.
Access Data
Browse Data
Browse available data from over 100 studies and 200,000 variables. Sort by subject terms, funding agency, types of analysis, time period, geography and more.

Search / Compare Variables

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research’s (ICPSR) Social Science Variables Database (SSVD) enables users to examine and compare variables and questions across studies or series.
Data-Related Citations

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research’s (ICPSR) Bibliography of Data-related Literature is a continuously-updated database of citations of works using data held in the ICPSR archive.
Share Data

The Institute welcomes and encourages deposits of digital firearm data. We have established a free self-publishing deposit workflow, which provides secure upload of files and a form for describing the deposited data collection. Data collections published in database are distributed as-is for immediate research use.