National Center for School Safety
The purpose of the FY 2019 STOP School Violence Training and Technical Assistance (STOP TTA) Program is to provide TTA and other support to awardees under the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) STOP Prevention Training and Response to Mental Health Crisis Program, the BJA STOP Technology and Threat Assessment Solutions for Safer Schools Program, and the COPS Office STOP School Violence Prevention Program, in order to develop a knowledge base and technical assistance delivery model for communities seeking to improve school safety. An important goal for this program is to provide nationwide simultaneous TTA to school districts, public safety agencies, and communities, in an effort to prevent school violence as prescribed in the responsibilities required of BJA and the COPS Office under the STOP School Violence Act. The STOP School Violence Act is designed to improve school security and prevent acts of violence by students against themselves and others.
The National Center for School Safety (NCSS) based at the University of Michigan School of Public Health is focused on improving school safety and preventing school violence. We are the Bureau of Justice Assistance Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence National Training and Technical Assistance Center. As a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional center, the NCSS provides expert-led training, technical assistance, and a database of additional resources to address school safety challenges.
NCSS supports schools, districts, mental health agencies, police departments, community-based organizations, and state, local, and tribal agencies across the country to implement evidence-based school safety programs. The team is composed of national leaders in criminal justice, education, social work, and public health with expertise in school safety research and practice. The programs are designed to help increase the ability of school communities to identify appropriate school safety strategies and adapt them to fit their unique contexts, including their school’s capacity, population, geography, and funding constraints. Trainings and other assistance resources are provided in multiple formats, including webinars and self-paced online classes, and are free to anyone interested in school safety.
Through expert-led trainings, technical assistance, and a database of additional resources, the NCSS provides comprehensive and accessible support to Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence grantees and the nationwide school safety community to address today’s school safety challenges. STOP grantees are funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).
The National Center for School Safety has been funded for the next five years. More information on the new round of funding can be found here.
More information at the National Center for School Safety website.
Project Team
Michigan State University
National Council for Mental Wellbeing
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
Sandy Hook Promise
Schweit Consulting
The School Superintendents Association (AASA)
University of Virginia, Curry School of Education and Human Development
University of Virginia
University of California Los Angeles