Evidence for optimism: policies to limit batterers’ access to guns

Zeoli, A. M., & Frattaroli, S. (2013). Evidence for optimism: policies to limit batterers’ access to guns. In Reducing gun violence in America: Informing policy with evidence and analysis (pp. 53-63). The Johns Hopkins University Press.


In 2010, at least 1,082 women and 267 men were killed by their intimate partners. Fifty-four percent of these victims were killed with guns (United States Department of Justice 2012). For at least the past twenty-five years, more intimate partner homicides (IPHs) have been committed with guns than with all other weapons combined (Fox and Zawitz 2009). Furthermore, women are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than by any other offender group (Fox and Zawitz 2009; Moracco, Runyan, and Butts 1998). The evidence is clear: when a woman is killed, it is most likely to be at the hands of an intimate partner with a gun.